Permanent Solutions for Longer-Lasting Smiles
Do you have difficulty eating or speaking because you’re missing an entire arch of teeth? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. It is estimated that nearly 36 million Americans do not have any natural teeth left, and nearly 1 in 6 adults ages 65 or older have lost all their teeth. Yes, there is the option of wearing dentures to replace the look of your smile, but if you want a solution that offers greater permanence, functionality, and longevity, it’s time to consider implant dentures in Anthem. At Anthem Dentistry, our team of experts can truly change your life with the help of these titanium posts that mimic the natural look and feel of your tooth’s structure. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment and find out if you are qualified for implant dentures.

Why Choose Anthem Dentistry for Implant Dentures?

CT/Cone Beam Scanner Used for Treatment Planning

Start-to-Finish Treatment Offered In-House

Dental Insurance & Flexible Financing Available
What Are Implant Dentures?
If you are living with an entire arch of missing teeth on the top or bottom row of your mouth, implant dentures can not only give you back your appearance, but they can also restore your oral health. Using titanium posts that are surgically implanted into your jawbone, these unique prosthetics offer added stability and permanence, unlike traditional dentures that only sit on top of the gums. Your implants fuse with the bone and surrounding tissues, creating a solid and firm foundation for your customized denture when put into place.
While this might seem like a solution that is only feasible for those in elite groups, the truth is that there are more than 3 million people who have dental implants, and an estimated 500,000 being placed each year. Not to mention, dental implants in Anthem, while costly upfront, are much more cost-effective in the long run simply because you do not have to worry about frequent repairs or replacements, dental adhesives, or additional cleaning products.
When meeting with our team to discuss your needs, you will likely be recommended for one of the two options:
Fixed/Permanent Implant Dentures
Once these dentures are secured in place, only your implant dentist in Anthem can remove them. They’re also known as a hybrid prosthesis and require between 4 and 6 dental implants and metal abutments to hold them in place.
Removable Implant Dentures
If you prefer a more flexible solution, you can opt for overdentures or removable implant dentures. These only require between 2 and 5 implants and can be easily removed before going to bed or when cleaning. Your dentist will use clips or ball sockets to hold the denture in place once it is ready.

The Implant Denture Process
You can expect that when receiving implant dentures, you will need to devote several months or even a year to the process. Yes, it takes time, but the results are well worth the investment. Not to mention, because the entire procedure is performed in-house, you do not have to worry about receiving a referral to go see an outside specialist. Everything is done in our Anthem dental office!
You can expect the process to look something like the following:
Scheduled consultation with a member of our team to discuss your goals, candidacy, and if you require any preliminary treatments (i.e., bone grafting, tooth extraction, etc.).
Dental implant placement that involves receiving local anesthesia to numb the areas of your mouth before making incisions in the gums to expose the jawbone and insert each implant at the appropriate angle.
Closing the gum tissue and sending you home to recover for 3-6 months while osseointegration occurs. This is when the implants fuse with the bone and surrounding tissue.
Returning to our dental office to have the metal abutments placed that will help keep your denture secured.
Finally receiving your custom-made denture, which will be placed on top of your implants and look and feel completely natural.

Denture Alternative
While it is ultimately the decision of our team to determine if you are a qualified candidate for implant dentures, there are criteria you must possess, such as:
Having a strong jawbone to support your denture. If you choose to receive removable dentures, you may not be required to have as much jawbone strengthen because fewer implants are used.
Practicing good oral hygiene habits and giving up bad habits like smoking, nail-biting, and chewing on ice.
An important thing to remember is to never discount yourself as a possible candidate. Only after a thorough consultation can you know for sure if you are eligible to receive implant dentures. Even if your jawbone has deteriorated, it may be possible to undergo a bone graft to build up and support your new denture.

What are the Benefits of Dentures?
Your teeth are important for more than just a beautiful smile. They are also essential for your oral health and functions. Dentures are often the ideal solution to treat significant tooth loss because they offer a variety of advantages, including:
- Enhanced appearance and boosted confidence because your teeth will look and feel completely natural
- Improved stability while eating and speaking because your implants are surgically placed in your jawbone, keeping them from shifting or slipping.
- No irritation to your soft oral tissues or jaw soreness (much like regular dentures)
- Fewer food restrictions and the ability to eat hard, crunchy foods that can prove difficult for dentures or a fixed bridge.
- Optimal oral health, as your implants will mimic your natural tooth root and continue to stimulate your jawbone, preventing possible facial collapse, which often occurs when wearing dentures.